Cardamom infused Watermelon Crush ;Meatless Monday
Summers and watermelons go hand in hand. One seems incomplete without the other. Did you know that today is National Watermelon Day?? Well, I didn't know that either! But apparently it is. How do I know?? Thanks to Twitter. I am new on Twitter and it is growing on me fast. For the longest, I couldn't be bothered with Twitter but my dear dear blogger friends Sonal and Anu kind of pushed me to it. Now, boy, am I on a roll or what!! For one thing, Twitter keeps me updated on all the latest news quick and in only few words. No long drawn stories if I don't want to read it. Now did we lose the watermelon somewhere in all this chatter?? No we didn't. The watermelon is right here. DII get this humongous watermelon from Costco and believe it or not we manage to finish it within a week. One of the kid's favorite recipes is this cardamom infused watermelon crush. It is perfect when they are playing in the hot sun and they come inside. You can eat the watermelon or slurp the juice, whichever way you want it. This was a recipe shared with me by my dear neighbor Sadia.I have modified it to make it healthier by swapping the sugar with the honey and making it more flavorful by adding cardamom to it. It is perfect for those little bits of watermelon that you end up with while chopping watermelon. I didn't know what to name it and decided to call it watermelon crush. Try it, it is really super easy and absolutely refreshing!!
Servings: 2
Finely chopped Watermelon: 2 cups
Crushed ice: 1 cup
Honey: 1 tsp
Cardamom powder: 1 pinch
Add all the above ingredients to a jar and mix well. Serve chilled!!
Cooking made easy:
You can vary the amount of ice used based on individual taste. I often time make it without any ice.
Tip for healthy living:
Fruits like watermelon are great for the body during summer as it has a very high water content and is cooling on the body. It is also fat-free, and has a relatively low glycemic index making it appropriate across almost all populations and age groups.
Food for thought:
There is no personal charm so great as the charm of a cheerful temperament. Henry Van Dyke
Cardamom infused Watermelon Crush ;Meatless Monday
Reviewed by Admin

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